Artist Make Realistic Animals From Paper

Germany based illustrator and paper artist Tina Kraus make paper sculptures with fine crepe paper. Her paper artwork includes pop-up books, paper toys. We have reached her to know more about her inspiration. Here what she had to say.

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* How did you find your style? Has it changed since you started?

I have crafted and experimented with paper since I was a kid. For a long time I mostly focused on paper engineering for pop-up books, cards and paper toys.

About two years ago I saw some amazing crepe paper flowers online and started to make some myself. At first I created some traditional flowers like peonies or cos-meas, but I was curious what else I could do with it. So I made a not-so-traditional plant, the Venus flytrap. Then, I tried to make insects and soon after that the gecko.

* What inspires you to create these amazing art work?

I’m mostly inspired by nature and the diversity of creatures that have evolved on our planet. 

* How do you come up with new ideas? Do you have a process?

I like watching wildlife documentaries for inspiration or find wildlife photos online. When I see an insect or other animal that interests me, I do more research on it, collect reference pictures and start with a sketch of what I want to do. Then I find the fitting paper or sometimes dye the paper if I can’t find a good match and get to work. 

* Most Challenging Aspect that comes through your work?

The insects are very small and I would like to make them as close to nature as possible. So getting the details right in that scale is quite a challenge. 

* What are the future Plans?

I have a lot of ideas for other animals and plants that I want to recreate, so I want to make time to work on these. Also it would be great to have an exhibition of my work somewhere!

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