Artist Creates Amazing Oil Paintings That Will Mesmerize You

Canada based artist Richard Savoie best known for his oil paintings of nature and urban environments created beautiful paintings of winter time that will blow your mind. We have reached him to know more about his inspiration. Here what he had to say.

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* How did you find your style?

Well for me it's more how I found what to paint that i can't get enough of it. 

I started to paint the city where I live to be a kind of storyteller about my time on this planet, about how Montreal is like today in 2019 .Some places I painted are now history, disappeared. So they can be also references. 

* Most Challenging Aspect that comes through your work?

Every paintings beside the cynics bring their loads of difficulties each time its a new adventure. It's like building up a piece of art with all the mistakes made along the process. Making mistakes is good, it's how you get out of trouble that bring the ''know how''.

* How do you come up with new ideas? Do you have a process?

There is always something to be paint in the city but sometime to make a change I paint a landscape as long there is light its good for me. Night or day it's the same, lights shadows, vibrations its how I see it. Colors are vibrations, wavelength, like a Silent music, we feel them. All those vibrations on a canvas can bring emotions, it can be abstract or a figurative form, colors vibrate and sing. 

* What are the future Plans?

I wish one day to explore what I am doing today but in a more abstract form, I am just curious where it can lead.

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