Italian Artist Created Fairies With Unexpected Objects

Alina Akhmatova
27 years old Milan, Italy based artist Alina Akhmatova who is graduated in Art Direction & Graphic Design, and work as a Digital Art Director created breathtaking surreal collages. We have reached her to know more about her inspiration. Here what she had to say.

More Info: Facebook | Instagram | WebEllo

* Short summary related to your work

The project’s name is “Fate Troppo Belle” (is in Italian, it means "too beautiful fairies").

This is my vision about fairies, as creatures from natural environments mixed with unexpected objects. The isn’t a real explanation behind my works, it’s pure aesthetics.

I've always thought that the understanding of art is subjective, we're all different and it's unfair to expect from all people to think in the same way and to understand what the artist meant. Art must be free and open to all. And everyone can find their own meanings. In fact, my digital collages are pure aesthetics.

* How did you find your style? Has it changed since you started?

It all started as just a test to do something interesting with a female portrait. In most, the style has not changed over time. But the collages have become more intense and developed.

* What inspires you to create these amazing art work?

My own work inspires me.

* How do you come up with new ideas? Do you have a process?

Over time, I noticed that it's not me who decides how my works will finally look like, but it's the fairies who tell me what to do themselves. I feel more like it's me who's helping them create. The objects that cover the fairies are also chosen by them. I often tend to create a gloomy and/or mysterious atmosphere, which makes one perceive a slight suspense, but in the meantime, everything is played down by the objects that are added to it.

* Most Challenging Aspect that comes through your work?

Perhaps the most challenging part is when I photograph girls, to make them become fairies in my collages.

* What are the future Plans?

The main plan for the future is to introduce my art to new people and continue to surprise those who already know me.

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