Artist Created Autumn Inspired Jewellery With Use of Polymer Clay

United Kingdom based artist Janna Baranovska use polymer clay to create autumn inspired jewellery. We have reached her to know more about her inspiration. Here what she had to say.

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* How did you find your style? Has it changed since you started?

About six years ago I saw some photos of polymer clay jewellery online and was inspired. I started to research information about this material online and decided to try to make something. When I took the polymer clay into my hands I immediately liked it.When I first started to create with polymer clay I read and watched a lot of tutorials and tried all the well known techniques. Through that experience I found my style and I’m still learning and evolving it because I like to experiment and creating something really original. While my jewellery may not always attract the mass market customer, I hope to find more people who can appreciate the uniqueness of my creations.

* What inspires you to create these amazing art work?

Creating something from nothing with your own hands is a miracle. So when I take the clay into my hands something new, which has never been part of reality before, is made and being part of that birth makes me feel like a real fairy.

* How do you come up with new ideas? Do you have a process?

I want to try out a new technique: drawing using small crumbs of polymer clay, so no paints and instead just the different colours of polymer clay and inspiration. One of the reasons I like to use polymer clay is for it’s brilliant colours along with ease of use and the incredible range of possibilities it offers. I have never tried this technique before but I’m really excited to give it a go and let my imagination run wild.

* Most Challenging Aspect that comes through your work?

Inspiration comes from everywhere, it can come suddenly from things that surround me or sometimes books and moves. Occasionally it comes from my customers, when they request jewellery based on things I've never seen before and never though could be made into and worn as jewellery. It would confuse me at first but It is like a challenge to myself,because it is very interesting to figure out a way to make unusual jewellery really exclusive and unique.

* What are the future Plans?

I want to try out a new technique: drawing using small crumbs of polymer clay, so no paints and instead just the different colours of polymer clay and inspiration. One of the reasons I like to use polymer clay is for it’s brilliant colours along with ease of use and the incredible range of possibilities it offers. I have never tried this technique before but I’m really excited to give it a go and let my imagination run wild.

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